Mystery Outerwear

The Merch's Satisfaction Guarantee
Love it or send it back to us within 30 days for a refund for the item.
*Excludes return shipping cost.
Warmth: It's what we all need, especially in the spring, which gets all the credit for nice weather and bunnies while providing frigid temperatures, erratic precipitation cycles, and eventually allergies (yuck!) Subvert the narrative of spring-as-a-fine-time-to-not-wear-a-jacket by putting your frostbitten fate in the hands of one of our Spring Cleaners, who will select for you either a hoodie WITH zipper, a hoodie WITHOUT zipper (pullover), a crewneck sweatshirt, or a handsome jacket.
Product Details
Mystery hoodies /jackets are non-returnable and non-refundable (unless it gets like, lost in the mail or something. We're not heartless). Otherwise, you buy it, it's yours.
This item is chosen at random and can be from any of the designs that PA has designed over the past few years.